Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello students,
I hope everyone enjoyed our Writer’s Celebration on Friday. Everyone read their narrative essays about summer vacation. Everyone took their Student Handbook tests and finished their map projects. We were very busy for these first two weeks of school. We have more pretesting to complete this week in Star Reader and with Map testing. Map testing is scheduled as follows: Monday – Science- Tuesday – Math- Wednesday– Language Arts Thursday – Social Studies Friday – Reading. Check below for our schedule and the standards we’ll be following. We will be reading and visiting Reading sites such as Library Day is Monday!
See you on Monday!
Mrs. Pastor

Monday (Library Day-9:05) Warm up: Writing Assignment

Lesson: Grammar Review of Sentence Structure and Compound Subjects and Verbs-Spelling Words
Task: Guided Practice with Students from Holt Grammar Book
Closer: Homework Preview (Verb Phrases) and/or Whiteboard Review of Spelling and Grammar

Tuesday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Lesson: Grammar-Types of Sentences Review-4 square graphic organizer

Task: Guided Practice with Students from Holt Grammar Book and Spelling Words (3 column TRACE-COPY-RECALL) practice Spelling Cloze Activity with Word Bank
Closer: Homework Preview and/or Whiteboard Review

Wednesday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
ELA-Map Test-Grammar Review-Homework Preview-AR reading-STAR TESTING and set up AR Logs

Thursday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Lesson: Chapter Review-Grammar Quiz-Graded Review

Task: Spelling Test and AR testing on books read this week.
Closer: Spelling Word Hangman-Whiteboard Review-Homework Preview

Friday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Reading-Map Test-Grammar Review-Homework Preview-AR reading-STAR TESTING and set up AR Logs

GA Studies GPS-SS8G1b
Monday Warm up: Vocabulary Cloze Activity

Lesson: Review of Georgia’s five physiographic regions. Students will answer review questions (map handout) and read from their textbooks.
Task: Students will complete Signs of the Times and Guided Reading activities. Students will review Word Wall and preview new vocabulary. climate, weather, vertical climate, drought, wind current, trade winds, prevailing westerlies, ocean currents, hurricane, nor’easter, tornado, El Niño, La Niña, and global warming

Tuesday Warm Up: Vocabulary Preview-Sketches
SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location. d. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development. Lesson: Students will read (p22) about Georgia’s Climate and take notes.

Task: Students will complete their Guided Reading assignments in collaborative pairs.
Closer: Homework Preview and/or Whiteboard Review

Wednesday Warm Up: Georgia Rivers Map (Label)
Lesson: Clay Maps of Georgia-Read the newspaper and make a cartoon showing what the weather will be like for the weekend forecast.

Thursday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
GA Studies-Map Test-Vocabulary Quiz Study Guide
Closer: Whiteboard Review

Friday Warm Up: Georgia County Map (Where am I?)
Lesson: Chapter Review-Vocabulary Quiz
Task: Students will finish Clay Maps of Georgia-Read the newspaper and make a cartoon showing what the weather will be like for the weekend forecast. (set up stations)
Closer: Georgia Stories Videospan>

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