Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello students,
This week we'll be looking at Parts of Speech in ELA and finishing our unit on "Where in the World is Georgia?". Below is our schedule. Some websites that you may want to see are below. Have a great week at the Rock!

Parts of Speech Games and other resources

Georgia Studies (audiobooks)
Mrs. Pastor
Spelling (Test 2)-chart describe club company condition control court deal develop direct
Monday (Library Day-9:05) Warm up: Writing Assignment Lesson: Grammar Preview of Parts of Speech-IVANCAPP-Spelling Words Preview Task: Guided Practice with Students from Holt Grammar Book Closer: Homework Preview and/or Whiteboard Review of Spelling and Grammar
Tuesday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Lesson: Types of Nouns (Graphic Organizer-preview) Task: Guided Practice with Students from Holt Grammar Book (compound nouns) and practice Spelling Cloze Activity with Word Bank Closer: Homework Preview and/or Whiteboard Review
Wednesday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Lesson: Tchart Proper and Common Nouns-Noun collage Task: Guided Practice with Students from Holt Grammar Book and Spelling Words Activity Review Closer: Homework Preview and/or Whiteboard Review
Thursday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Lesson: Concrete, Abstract, and Collective Nouns Task: Guided Practice with students from Holt Grammar Book Closer: Spelling Quiz Review-Whiteboard Review-Homework Preview
Friday Warm Up: Writing Assignment
Lesson: Graded Grammar Review on Nouns-Types of Nouns Collage or Musical Carousel Task: Spelling Test and AR testing on books read this week Closer: Spelling Word Hangman-Whiteboard Review

GA Studies GPS-SS8G1b Lesson: Review of Georgia’s five physiographic regions.
Students will read (and/or listen to audiobook at their textbooks.
Task: Students will look through travel brochures in the class library. Students will utilize computers to research places to visit in Georgia. Students will review Word Wall and preview new vocabulary. flora, fauna, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, semidiurnal tide, tide, saltwater marshes, freshwater sloughs, estuaries, watershed, reservoir, aquifer

Tuesday Warm Up: Vocabulary Preview-Sketches
Lesson: Students will read (p43) about Georgia’s Environment and take notes. Task: Students will complete the Pocket Folder foldable and notecards on Georgia's Seven Wonders from their textbook. Closer: Homework Preview and/or Whiteboard Review
Homework: To make notecards of vocabulary terms for Friday’s quiz. Place in the pocket foldable made in class.

Wednesday Warm Up: Copy chart from p. 54
Lesson: Students will read about Georgia’s Natural Resources.
Task: Students will work in pairs to create an electronic travel brochure entitled the wonders of Georgia. They will choose one place in Georgia they would like to visit and tell about its natural resources. Rubrics will be given.

Thursday Warm Up: Georgia River Map (label)
Lesson: Review of Georgia’s Natural Waterways.
Friday Warm Up: Writing Assignment/”It’s Your Turn” Lesson: Chapter Review-Vocabulary Quiz Task: Students will finish powerpoints or electronic travel brochures and others will read local newspaper articles and magazines about Georgia. Travel brochures will be available in the class library. Kaolin and granite samples will be shown in class. Some may research Georgia’s resources and sites at Closer: Whiteboard Review

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