Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 18

Hello! This week we will continue working in ELA on structural elements of a plot, character analysis, and reading strategies. Everyone has improved in reading scores this past nine weeks. Keep up the good work. We will finish "A Wrinkle in Time" and begin a new story this week. The Spelling Words for this week are: measure, method, movement, natural, addition, agree, although, anyway, art, and battle.

In GA Studies, we will talk about the Declaration of Independence and the hardships of our nation in its earliest beginnings.

SS8H4 Students will describe the impact of events that led to the ratification of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
a. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both the Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the Articles of Confederation and explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to a need to revise the Articles.
b. Describe the role of Georgia at the Constitutional Convention of 1787; include the role of Abraham Baldwin and William Few, and reasons why Georgia ratified the new constitution
We will study the Bill of Rights and examine the importance of pursuing our personal freedoms and liberties. Please talk with your children about the importance of government at home and read with them during their nightly reading assignments.

Saturday school was a success! I was glad to see some familiar faces. The next Saturday school is October 29th. 9-12

See you in class,
Mrs. Pastor

Online sites to visit:

GA Studies

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