Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Students Return August 9th!!! :)

Rothschild Middle School
1136 Hunt Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907
Office #: (706) 569-3709
Fax #: (706) 569-3717
August 9, 2010

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I would like to welcome your child to my classroom (Room 214)! I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your child and to help him/her reach their academic and behavioral goals for this school year.

This year we will focus on the following curriculum areas as designated by the Georgia Performance Standards and Common Core State Standards. You may view these standards at www.georgiastandards.org.

English Language Arts
• Reading and Literature
• Reading Across the Curriculum
• Writing
• Conventions (Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage)
• Listening/Speaking/Viewing

Georgia Studies
In eighth grade, students study Georgia geography, history, government, and economics. While the four strands are interwoven, ample opportunity is also provided for in-depth study of the geography of Georgia and the government of Georgia. U.S. historical events are included, as appropriate, to ensure students understand Georgia’s role in the history of the United States.

All year long we will be preparing for the CRCT-Criterion Referenced Competency Test in these areas. These tests are important for your child as determiners for promotion to the 9th grade. Additionally, your child will be preparing for the 8th grade Writing Assessment this year. To help you better prepare your child, we will list homework, class activities, and web resources online for you. You may access our class website through the school's homepage at http://rothschild.mcsdga.net/ or visit directly at http://mrspastorramos.blogspot.com. A list of resources are available there for additional practice in all subject areas.

The success of your child is extremely important. It will be important that teachers, parents/guardians, and students are in communication with each other about what is expected. We encourage feedback and questions, however, the primary responsibility of dealing with daily assignments in and out of class falls on the student. We are hoping to encourage your child to be a responsible student and citizen of our school and community. Homework is not limited to written material, but may include reading, projects, notebooks, and studying for upcoming tests. Homework and all other assignments are posted in the classroom and on the website. It is the responsibility of the student to write down assignments in an agenda book daily.

Students are expected to participate and submit all class work assignments on time. Late work is discouraged and may not be accepted. If the student is absent, then it is the responsibility of the student to make up any and all missed assignments, including tests, essays, projects, etc. Homework is due the day after it is assigned. All homework must be turned in to receive full credit. If a student is absent, the homework is due when the student returns to school.

Additionally, students are expected to follow all the rules in t he Rothschild Middle School Handbook as well as the Muscogee County School Board Code of Conduct Handbook. Failure to abide by these rules will result in consequences outlined in the above mentioned documents.
Grading will be determined as follows:

For English Language Arts students:
• 40%-Tests
• 30%-Class work
• 10%-Participation
• 10%-Homework
• 10%-Accelerated Reader

For Georgia History students
• 40%-Tests/Projects
• 30%-Class work
• 20%-Participation
• 10%-Homework

As middle school teachers, we must prepare our students for the rigors and demands of eighth grade, high school, and beyond. It is important that they become organized, independent learners that can function in any environment. The following suggestions may help you bridge the gap between school and home.

• Ensure student is present and on time for each class.
• Check student agenda book each afternoon for homework, updates, etc.
• Check school websites for information about each academic class.
• Develop and utilize study materials in preparation of upcoming tests.
• Review together for upcoming tests in advance vs. the night before the test.
• Read together for 30 minutes nightly from a specified academic subject (rotate subject matter nightly).

These suggestions should be helpful in communicating expectations to students. Thank you for your time and concern. If you have any additional information that you feel we need to know about your child to better help him/her to learn, please share this with us. You may reach me at mrspastorramos@yahoo.com or call the school directly at (706) 569-3709.

I look forward to working with you to make this year a great and productive time!


Mrs. Pastor-Ramos

Please read the attached syllabus and then sign below to indicate your understanding of my classroom policies and procedures.

Student Signature _________________ Date __________

Parent/Guardian Signature ____________ Date _____________