Monday, January 24, 2011

Hello Students!
The writing test has passed, but we'll continue to improve our writing skills through reading and grammar activities. This week we'll refocus on reading strategies in preparation of the Reading CRCT. Parents may follow along and read with you stories from your literature textbook. This week we will be reading "The Moustache" by Robert Cormier and The Wise Old Woman retold by Yoshiko Uchida. You can also find these and other stories at the local Columbus library.
In Georgia Studies, we'll continue exploring the Reconstruction Era in the South following the Civil War. We'll watch videos, take virtual field trips, and visit important websites in our research of this time. We will study the changes in economy and the use of slavery for labor to sharecropping and tenant farming. Additionally, we'll examine the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments of the Constitution as part of our study of the changes that took place during this time.
Remember to visit this page and the attached links for more interesting reading and exploration. Come to class prepared to learn! I will meet you there! :)
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Pastor-Ramos

ELA Online
Spelling City
Grammar Gorillas
Online textbook
Georgia OAS-all subjects
Sixth Grade Spelling Words
Assessments for ELA

GA Studies Online
Online textbook
Password: ga11hist
Reconstruction Clip

PBS Jim Crow Digital Storytelling
PBS Reconstruction Era
Georgia Stories-SS8H6
Georgia Stories-SS8H7
Biographies for Kids
New Georgia Encyclopedia
Digital Library of Georgia
Georgia Public Broadcasting Stories
Ft. Sumter (History Channel)
PBS American Experience Videos
American Experience Reconstruction Era

Current Events
CNN Student News
Time for Kids News
WTVM Local News and Weather
Neuroscience for Kids
Chemistry for Kids
Physics for Kids

EQ and GPS/WarmUp/Lesson/Work Session/Closer listed on board daily.

math videos
229 videos by the school of chuck