Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Hello Students,
I am welcoming you back to school for the New Year! With half of the year now over, we have little instructional time left. We will start in English Language Arts by working on grammar and writing in preparation for the 8th grade Writing Assessment later this month. In Georgia Studies, we'll further explore the battles and events of the Civil War in Georgia through virtual field trips, videos, digital storytelling, and reading and writing activities. We will hear Danny Glover read aloud an enactment of Henry McNeal Turner's authentic address to the General Assembly.
Every Friday we'll have our Spelling tests and Quizzes. This week's spelling list is LIST 7. Check the link below for the word list. Each day we'll continue CRCT Warm Ups in preparation for the CRCT tests in April.
Parents are encouraged to stop by the classroom and visit to see how your child is doing. Please work with the students on their homework assignments. We want to increase their participation this year in this area.
Thank you again for your support of Room 214 and Rothschild.
Visit the online sites and links for further study. Happy New Year and Great Beginnings! :)
Warm regards,
Mrs. Pastor

ELA Online
Spelling City
Grammar Gorillas
Online textbook
Georgia OAS-all subjects
Sixth Grade Spelling Words
Assessments for ELA

GA Studies Online
Online textbook
Password: ga11hist
PBS Jim Crow Digital Storytelling
PBS Reconstruction Era
Georgia Stories-SS8H6
Georgia Stories-SS8H7
Biographies for Kids
New Georgia Encyclopedia
Digital Library of Georgia
Georgia Public Broadcasting Stories
Ft. Sumter (History Channel)
PBS American Experience Videos

Current Events
CNN Student News
Time for Kids News
WTVM Local News and Weather
Neuroscience for Kids
Chemistry for Kids
Physics for Kids

EQ and GPS/WarmUp/Lesson/Work Session/Closer listed on board daily.